Greeting is an Expression of Good Will. Greetings are made to show your presence to others that you are there. There are different ways of greeting such as letters, emails and pictures. But in different cities, greetings are also mage according to cultures and traditions. Greetings are made usually on the daily basis like hello, good evening etc. But there are some occasions when greetings are made especially with the wishes.
New Year Celebration is one of that occasion, when greetings are made especially. Wishes are also made for their upcoming year. On new year, greetings are made through various ways. One is to greet formally on some party. These are made face to face along with flowers and gifts. Second is to send cards to your relatives and friends along with gifts. Children have a special part in that greetings. Children usually have hobby of creating and decorating their own hand-made cards and crafts.
Third one is the most used way nowadays. Due to the hype of Internet and Social Networking Sites, people are more related to their families then ever before. These facilities made the people closer to each others. With social sites, the picture sharing become one of the most useful way. Similarly, instead of cards, now pictures are shared with the people. Greetings and Wishes are sent though pictures, wallpapers and quotes. Here is some of the beautiful and good collection for the new year greetings. Share it with your friends and family.
New Year Greetings