Friendship is one the relation of understanding. It is relation between two or more people who understand each other and feel for each other. It is all about heart feelings. We meet different people in our life during our study time in the college in university and some of them come closer to us and we may become close friends with each other. Some may show attitude to us and we try our best to get them in our friend list. We do all the things to make them happy but that is one sided friendship when you care about the other and the other person ignores you and spend more time with the other people.
Its hard to make friend a person who is not interested in you but you totally fall in that person. This is not good but we are not able to control our feelings and it is fact of life. But in this condition you should not expect any thing from that person. This will make you more sad in life. You need people in life who care and think about you not those person for whom you are falling.In this article you will see One Sided Friendship Quotes which always hurts you in life.Download these One Sided Friendship Quotes and start new phase of your life.
One Sided Friendship Quotes