The Glory Of Sports - Sports Quotes

25+ Motivational Sport Quotes

It is well-known saying that a sound body contains a sound mind.The main objective of sports is physical,moral,mental development and bodily exercise.Besides,it also develop courage and team spirit in one’s life.Sports and games are the main source of physical health.Sports also develop the spirit of motivation and discipline which is very important to gain success in every walk of life.

It helps us to learn how to handle the difficult situations and how to behave in such cicumtances.Games play a vital role in developing sportsmanship which enables one to accept the victory as well as defeat cheerfully.It also builds our character and make us brave.A true sportsman is always ready to accept any challenge.Vince Lombardi has rightly said

“It’s not whether you get knocked down; it’s whether you get up.”

Sports shape our body ,make us active and give us energy and strength.Sports like basketball,tennis,hockey are the source of improving physical health whereas mental fitness can be achieved by games like chess.Games can be divided into two main types.Outdoor and indoor.Indoor games like badminton,tennis are played inside buildings whereas outdoor games like cricket,football etc are played in some open ground.It is important to make the sports and games part of our life as they are soul for our character building.Here are some famous and motivational quotes about sports.

Sport Quotes