Category: Quotes
20 Inspiring Quotes about Self Discipline that Helping You Achieve Goals
If you want to achieve a certain goal in your life, you must understand that self discipline plays an important part. It’s almost the key ingredient for success. Without self discipline it would be hard for you to reach your goal since there will be a lot of temptation along the way and having discipline…
25+ Heart Touching Romantic Quotes For Romantic Couples
Below are some impressive collections of the Heart Touching romantic quotes for the couples especially. You can gift them to your partner and make him or her happy and by these quotes, you can truly show your love for your partner. Living in this world is not an easy task. There are different phases of our life.…
Top 20+ Quotes About Learning From Mistakes
We know that no one is perfect. Everyone makes mistakes. It is a part of human nature to make mistakes. And though some mistakes might seem like the end of the world, if you think about it, below the surface they give you the perfect opportunity to learn, grow and improve your own self. You…
Quotes reminding you to keep moving forward
Life is full of ups and downs. You might get knocked down when you don’t see it coming. You can never tell when life will hit you hard. And it is not about how hard you get hit. It’s about even you got hit, you still made ways to recover from it. We must never…
20+ Sweet Anniversary Messages for wife
Wedding anniversaries are a chance to rekindle your wedding’s romantic bond. It’s a day where the two of you can forget life’s responsibilities, work, children, paying the bills, etc. and spend the day together. Take a day off, drop the kids off at grandma’s and take your wife and spoil her with nice gift and…
20+ Quotes about Mother Nature
Our planet is currently gasping for breath, our harmful pollution is indeed choking her slowly and continues to strip her ozone layer away. At times we tend to overlook what mother nature has given the earth. We need to be reminded that it is the responsibility of every citizen to respect the environment and prevent…
Top 20 lovely curly hair girls quotes & sayings
Straight hair is boring to me. Curls are gorgeous! Curly hair is beautiful and if you have it, you have all the reason to be proud of it. When I see women getting dolled up for special events, such as weddings, high school dances, etc. many of them tend to curl their hair as opposed…