Birthday is the day on which on which an anniversary of birth is celebrated. Anniversary is a celebration which is made every year on a specific date. Anniversary is also the other name for the Birthday. These birthday has its importance, fame and fantasy specially for children. Children want to enjoy every bit of these celebrations. They like the cakes and sweets of the birthdays.
Birthdays are celebrated almost in every region of the world according to customs and traditions. In many areas it is celebrated as a social events. These event includes many guests and family members. On this anniversary ceremony, people are gathered and they eat, chat and dance together. The main part of this ceremony is the Birthday Cake. The cake is cut by the lucky man whose birthday is being celebrated and then divided in the guest.
Along with the cake, two other things has most important part. First thing is the gifts. Gifts are given to the lucky man along with cards and flower. The second thing is the wishes and greetings. These wish are made for the person’s prosperous, beneficial future and for his long living. These wishes also includes some funny greetings. But in these funny wishes and greeting, there can lie greater meanings. Here are some of the funny birthday wishes, which can make you laugh. Read it and share it:
Funny Birthday Wishes