25+ Cool Funny Quotes

Life! Such a precious and beautiful gift but at the same full of tragedies, catastrophes and misfortunes that leads us to perilous path of times. Many people chooses Fun to lessen the effects of what he suffered through in the life. It allows you to shut down that part of the brain which allows you to worry and anxiety, and starts that part of the brain that allows creativity and imagination. And there is no life without fun. As said by J. P. Mcneill:

“If you don’t make life fun, than there is no life at all.”

Fun pulls you out from marsh of hell and puts you into heaven of ingenuity and creativity. It enters you into a place where new and fresh inventive ideas generate. Fun time could be doing what you like to do, passionate about it, have always in mind to do. Taking some time for fun, also prepare you to face the problems in your life.As a fun activity, Funny Quotes and Jokes are at top at the list. It is true that some people make themselves a Comedian to forget grieves and remorse. They turn themselves into people that say jokes and quotes. Here are some of the interesting funny quotes by those people. Share it with your friends and family members and make them happy.

Cool Funny Quotes