Women Day:Women represents 52 percent of the world population. They are the part of daily life more than the men now a days. International women day is celebrated on 8 March every year. The purpose to celebrate this day is to give women respect and honor for their contributions in the modern world. People wear ribbons and conduct seminars in different regions to pay tribute to this gender.
Different policies related with the women are made on government and local level. In most of the countries, special holiday is declared just to give importance to the working women. There are a lot of controversies related to this day. Some men are still against it. Especially in countries like Afghanistan people are still very much against it. They don’t like their women to go out and work along the men.
But the trend is very much changing in these countries too. International organizations for women are working hard to give women their rights especially in these countries. Though the world is still far behind to provide women their rights but positive things is that world is striving for it and awareness programs are arranged in different countries. Different organizations are working day and night to facilitate women equal opportunities and equal rights but a lot of things have to be done in this domain yet.
Happy Women’s Day