I smile because you’re my BROTHER I laugh because there is nothing you can do about it.A sister is a little bit of childhood that can never be lost.The best thing about having a sister was that I always had a friend.There is a little boy inside the man who is my brother. Oh, how i hated that little boy, and how i love him too.brothers and sisters: Separated by distance, joined by LOVE.My sister is the sweetest little thing alive! Words can hardly describe my love for her, she is my best friend.Your brother is your brother till he gets a wife, your sister is your sister all your life.You and I are sisters. Always remember that if you fall I will pick you up as soon as I finish laughing.Only a BROTHER can love like a FATHER annoy like a SISTER care like a MOTHER support like a FRIEND.Because brothers don’t let each other wander in the dark alone.There is no BUDDY like a Brother.It takes two men to make one brother.I think, am sure a brother’s love exceeds all the world’s loves in its unworldliness.Sister is first friend and second mother.Who need supperheros when you have a brother.Being brother & sister means being there for each other.Sometimes being a brother is even better than being a superhero.This princess is guarded BY A BIG BROTHER.