Straight hair is boring to me. Curls are gorgeous! Curly hair is beautiful and if you have it, you have all the reason to be proud of it. When I see women getting dolled up for special events, such as weddings, high school dances, etc. many of them tend to curl their hair as opposed to straighten it. So again in that sense, curly hair is often viewed as more beautiful. Please don’t give in to nonsense pressure from the media and general public. It makes you insecure about what YOU have, when its something that makes you so beautiful. Here are some quotes to love your curly hair even more!
Curly Hair Quotes
Bad hair day: Ain’t nobody got time for that!Keep calm and be curly.I’m blessed with curly hair.Who run the world? CURLS!Curly Girl: It’s more than just hair, it’s an attitude.Curly hair; Don’t care.My curly hair is a part of who I am.Curly hair is funnier and crazier, and that’s my way!CURLY HAIR PRO: not having to worry about hair being out of place because it really doesn’t have a placeDate a girl with natural curly hair, because when she straightens it… It’s like dating two women.Embrace curly hair.Yes, I have curly hair. No, I don’t wish it was straightInvest in your hair, it is the crown you never take off.Love a girl with curly hair.I love my hair the way it is.I love my hair because… It’s a reflection of me and me is beautiful.Love your hairNever let anyone dull your curls.Life is too short to have boring hair.Sorry, I can’t hear you over the volume of my hair